Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thou art... something?

From how I act online, your opinion of me may be of a rather outgoing and hyper girl... but the internet allows me to show my true self, around anything but the computer, I am incredibly shy.

But that didn't stop me from participating in a Homeschool shakespeare play: The tempest.

Many people forgot lines, but we held it together, in fact, the only main problems (From my view) were the following: The hyperventilating that nearly occured as I hid behind the curtain before the first scene, the confused scramble due to too many characters and just plain getting lost, and lastly, The girl who seemed to get worse after practice.

The stage-fright was easily cured after the well-meaning-but-inadept-at-calming-people-down-girl gave up keeping me from shaking, which occured when another girl, who's talents never cease to amaze me, managed to calm me down without even really trying.

The scramble, nothing we could do about it, and we did manage to get in mostly on time.

But the third... Well, how can someone get worse after more practice? the more we tried to fix what she was doing wrong, the more she got it wrong! I told her several times each rehersal where to move in the fairy scene, and told her five times before the play, and whispered twice on stage, yet she STILL got it wrong. The first time we practiced, she got it right. The same with her lines, she did okay her first time off script, but she was getting worse the more we practiced.

The not-even-whispering while we were offstage didn't help my opinion of her.

But in any case, I survived, I think i have a sunburn from the stage lights, but we survived.


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