Friday, December 8, 2006


Hello everyone! Michiyo isn't my real name, although I wish it was. The closest anyone will come to knowing my real name is 'Si' And I prefer to be called using a honorific. So call me Michiyo-chan or Si-chan.

According to my Japanese phrasebook, the url bit means "Michiyo's" and the title of my blog means "Michiyo's Diary" Although i'm not certain if it actually is or not, considering varying reliability.

What can i say about myself? Well... I'm very obsessed with Anime and Manga, which lead me to explore the culture of Japan, and later Asia in general. And I have the rather silly dream of becoming a manga artist, despite coming from pretty much every place but Asia.

So, If I actually get any readers, good for me.



LaurenNya! ^-^ said...

i read it! XD


LaurenNya! ^-^ said...

i know your name!! muahahaha!!!
